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A I - another intelligence

As the first two letters suggest the sudden impression in each of your mind was to consider the full form as artificial intelligence .each and every one of you must be pictuting a functional artificial human brain capable of handling  human logic and human intelligence. That is where the whole field of AI (artificial intelligence)  breaksdown . We are trying to copy and replicate human intelligence by computer logic and computer,quantum, electronic circuitry. Even with the innovation in quantum computing researchers are trying to copy the unknown structure and wonders of human brain and create the artificial intelligence.
    We just cant predict how artificial intelligence will look like, what it will want or how it will feel about humans. We still are very far away from making it happen. Early theories on A I were based on that intelligence was pretty much located in the brain. And they had a specific type of brain in mind a computational brain. But we learned a lot about brain and the metaphor started to breakdown. The brain is squishy and unpredictable and it doesnt map well for the logic of computers.
    so let us consider why the replication cannot handle artificial intelligence. Lets consider a persons brain. When he is born it has limited functionality  with some factory settings. But how did he grew up to be an intelligent conscious personality?
Well the theory here is that human intelligence arises from the complex interactions with its surroundings and these interactions results in experience. And bodyis insanely complex complex systems that we are yet to understand. And with one part of this whole complex system gets brocken then the concept of intelligence is scarred . that is if we were to create an artificial brain then the replication of what constitute the whole system is required else it shall end in creation of random programming section that keeps crashing. Think how  did fully functional intelliget persons ended up mad or insane? 'Any code that we dont use wisely shall end up creating "another intelligence" that we may yet dont understand but shall not be good'.

So rather than following our own intelligence to get an AI working in the same systems that our intelligence work we must look for other options in this era. Because else it shall end in vein at this age of technology. We must search for other solutions. 'If we saw one person viewing a movie in his mac(macintosh,apple) and it is impossible to get a mac on our pc.... Then if we try to create the exact replica of macintosh..... Well thats just crazy and nearly close to impossible... But what if we look for other resources? Such as what if we devoloped open source linux like systems that will be able to play movies and all capabilities as a mac ... Well thats just brilliance...


  That is we dont need the exact same systems to get the same output. We must look into other opportunities. We cant replicate human intelligence. At this era thats too paradoxical and complex. So why dont we innovate or invent other intelligence that will give the same output as humans do... One that will map well for the computer logic ... Well thats the door thats needs to be knocked upon hardly.

   'Intelligence is the result of obtaining experience and learning from its interactions obtaing newer and fresher reasoning'. We cant copy human intelligence well thats too unique. But what we can do  is copy the methods how human intelligence is devoloped. Teaching the AI the methods how a human baby evolves or devolop itself into a conscious intelligent human being. That is another intelligence....

And in this process we may also learn what its needs to be human. :)


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